is a German PvE guild made up of experienced WoW Classic players, who have been playing together from phase 1 until the end of Classic. With Season of Mastery nearing its launch, we are now seeking additional dedicated and like-minded players that want to be a part of a speedrunning guild that aims to dominate the server logs, while also having fun and banter.
Wednesdays - 19:00 - 23:00 (7PM - 11PM) CET/CEST/GMT+1
Our main focus is to pursue efficient raids and dominate the server logs.
Build an environment where people play for the team and not only themselves.
Loot will be decided by a loot council.
Engineering is required on every raid character in the guild. Full consumables and enchantments are required for raids.
For more Information and Contact, visit our Discord:
Der blutige Pfad - SoM 目前不招募。
团队副本, 地下城, 社交
Der blutige Pfad - SoM 招聘什么活动?
Der blutige Pfad - SoM 主要使用什么语言?