Guild Mission Statement: To provide quality raiding experience in a positive uplifting environment. We set the stage for success, be goal oriented, and strive for excellence. We push towards the “hardcore” side of raiding, but never make wow a second job.
Team Invoke Is a community for players who wish to be in a serious environment about gaming, but also wish to have a good chill time. We will always lean towards the "hardcore" side of gaming, but understand that we play games to relax from the real world. Most of the team is older and we do not set an age requirement, however we do have a maturity expectation. Those who can not mature enough, regardless of age will not be a good fit and removed.
Team Invoke: Was founded in 2018 on kronos3. We achieved NA realm first 9/9 in aq40 on the alliance side, but quit before naxx on kronos3. On Blizzard Classic realm we achieved top50 NA Naxx clear. Realm first, 9/9AQ40 | Realm First 15/15 Naxx.
Team Invoke Is a community for players who wish to be in a serious environment about gaming, but also wish to have a good chill time. We will always lean towards the "hardcore" side of gaming, but understand that we play games to relax from the real world. Most of the team is older and we do not set an age requirement, however we do have a maturity expectation. Those who can not mature enough, regardless of age will not be a good fit and removed.
We are currently running three unique rosters.
Tuesday- Speed Runs. In these runs our raiders are seeing just how fast they can go with the rest of the world. Optimal specs and professions are required as well as a commitment to improving as a team.
Wednesday- Execution Runs. In these runs, raiders are expected to perform to the best of their class ability. The focus isn't exclusively on speed but will include fast and effective clears of the instance while providing some opportunity for most classes to parse high numbers and see their content without raid nights dragging on for hours and hours.
Sunday- Execution Runs. In these runs, raiders are expected to perform to the best of their class ability. The focus isn't exclusively on speed but will include fast and effective clears of the instance while providing some opportunity for most classes to parse high numbers and see their content without raid nights dragging on for hours and hours.The only difference between Wednesday and Sunday? Sunday might work better for these player's schedules!
这些数据来源于 Invoke 最近的记录。
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