<Redacted> Recruiting for Naxx
Current schedule: Naxx - Thurs 8:30-11PM EST (6:30-9PM Server Time) Loot: MS/OS +1, 1SR
About us: Our core group is made up of friends who've played together for years across different WoW expansions. Many of our members are former hardcore/mythic raiders who just want a chill environment to play with friends in SoD. We aim for a lighthearted and chill raiding atmosphere that still allows for parsing and clear optimization each week.
Expectations: The majority of our raiders show up with World Buffs and consumes ready to go. We're looking for players who mesh with the atmosphere of our guild as well as perform consistently on raid night. Most importantly we're looking for players who are looking to learn and improve, regardless of skill level, and we're happy to work with anyone with a positive mindset.
If interested, please send a whisper in game to Claritin, Crowe, Zoline or any member of our guild.
Redacted 正在招募!
团队副本, PvP, 地下城
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