GOM (Grumpy Old Men (Formerly known as TNE)) is a gaming community that has evolved around World of Warcraft since 2005. Starting with a close-knit group of childhood friends from Denmark, GoM has since expanded with members from all over the EU calling the guild home.
GOM is a semi-casual, PVE oriented raiding guild. As a guild with both social members and raiders we are eager to raid efficiently without forgetting to have a laugh at the same time. GOM is home to those with families, and we fully understand that real life comes first. In this guild we encourage you to have fun: this is not your second job! When it is time to get serious, however, we expect you to both focus and come prepared.
Contact us through our discord server https://discord.gg/8NRas5yy23
GOM 正在招募!
团队副本, 地下城
GOM 招聘什么活动?
GOM 主要使用什么语言?