In the Space Kitty Waffle Club, we embrace the spirit of casual gaming while maintaining a commitment to efficiency and effectiveness. Our mission is to create an inclusive and enjoyable gaming environment where members can pursue their gaming passions without feeling burdened by excessive time commitments.
We believe that being casual doesn't mean lacking dedication. Instead, it's about striking a balance between enjoying the game at our own pace while respecting each other's time. Our focus is on optimizing raid experiences to ensure swift and smooth clears, aiming for efficient and shorter raiding sessions rather than prolonged 4-hour endeavors.
Through teamwork, communication, and a shared commitment to streamlining our gaming sessions, we aim to foster a community where everyone can thrive. We recognize that every member's contributions are valuable in achieving our collective goals, and we encourage active participation and collaboration.
Ultimately, our guild is founded on the principle of being casual, yet dedicated. We prioritize enjoyment and camaraderie while striving for excellence in our gameplay. Together, we aspire to redefine casual gaming, demonstrating that with coordinated effort and enthusiasm, we can achieve remarkable feats within reasonable time frames. Join us as we embrace the casual gaming lifestyle, where fun and efficiency go hand in hand. Remember, BE CASUAL.
Contact the guild leader - Nirevos - on discord (nirevos) or any leadership ingame.
Space Kitty Waffle Club 正在招募!
团队副本, 地下城, PvP, 社交
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